The Longo Planetarium @ CCM
Digistar 7, the world’s most advanced planetarium system, has arrived at the County College of Morris’ Longo Planetarium! After a state-of-the-art computer and software upgrade, the planetarium is ready to launch visitors into an out-of-this-world experience under the stars.
The planetarium is offering star shows for the general public, on the second and fourth weekend of the month. This fall a new show “Edge of Darkness” will take you on a flight past a comet, through the asteroid belt and all the way out to distant Pluto at the dark cold rim of the Solar System!
The planetarium’s popular shows “Big Astronomy” and “One Sky” will also continue through the fall season. “Big Astronomy” explores the giant telescopes used to probe the deep inky reaches of the Universe. “One Sky” is a great introduction for kids to the night sky utilizing stories from around the world.
All shows include a brief tour of the night sky and planets.
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Select Fridays at 7:30pm and Saturdays at 2:00pm
Recommended for Children ages 6+; 40 minutes
Click here for a description and to purchase tickets
Select Fridays at 9:00pm and Saturdays at 3:30pm
Recommended for Adults & Children ages 8+; 45 minutes
Click here for a description and to purchase tickets
Select Saturdays at 5:00pm
Select Fridays and Saturdays at 5:00, 6:15 & 7:30 pm
The Longo Planetarium is pleased to partner with Moodswings LLC to host their audiovisual program Mesmerica! The show is recommended for adults; Mesmerica is not suitable for kids under 6; 45 minutes.
Click here for a description and to purchase tickets; additional dates are being added
(Note this will take you to the Mesmerica website; this is a seperate ticket purchase from Moodswings LLC)